Are we still engaged? Still paying attention? Are we feeling burnt out? How's everyones holding up? How are the self care practices coming along. Having a strong self-care tool box helps us stay strong in the face of overwhelm, stress, anxiety, continued disappointment. Good self care practices also help us stay resilient and strong as we continue to participate in the resistance. May is Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) season, and we at Blazing Star Herbal School will begin a 4-6 week of daily nettle infusion, this should nourish and strengthen your adrenals and help increase your vital energy
Nettle as food, Nettle as Medicine
Challenge 1:
30 days of Nettle Leaf (Urtica Dioica) infusion!
Easy enough...
Use 1oz (30g) (2 handfuls) of dried plant matter (nettle in this case) in a quart jar. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water, put the lid on and let it steep for a minimum of four hours at room temperature. (Overnight is appropriate). When ready strain and squeeze out. Compost the herb. Drink the liquid, 2 cups daily. Drink at either room temperature iced or heated. Keep refrigerated. NB once prepared the infusion lasts only 2 days.
Prepare infusions in quart canning jar with a tight lid to prevent the volatile essences and vitamins from escaping. Also these jars are convenient to carry around with you.
Long steeping allow for the extraction of chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals. Steeping in a closed jar prevents the water soluble vitamins from escaping in the steam.
Why Nettle??
in summary:
”Nettle strengthens and support the whole body”- David Hoffman.
- - Nettle is one of the most nutrient rich wild foods
- - Rebuilds adrenal glands (which excessice coffee drinkers/worry-worts/ people feeling like their basic rights are one at a time being taken away over stress) As a general rule drink at least 1 cup more herbal infusion than coffee!! Builds stamina and gosh knows the fight will be going on for a long time!
- -Strengthens the kidneys In Chinese medicine, the Kidney (organ-meridian system) is considered the foundation for good health and vitality
- -Mineral/Vitamin Rich, Including Vit. K an anti Hemorrhage ingredient Therefore Nettle is useful for people with anemia or mal-nutrition and in Strengthening to the body after surgery/illness/ or periods of extreme stress.
- - Helps eliminate fatigue and exhaustion. A great herbal ally for people with CFS and other compromised immunity diseases. An ally in many chronic conditions include allergies and nerve inflammations (sciatica) Improves body's resistance to pollens, molds, and environmental pollutants
- - Good for adults or children who have over-used antibiotics and tend to get sick easily.
- - Anti-rheumatic (Topically, fresh nettles have been used for arthritis as the stinging part brings blood to the affected area (somethinG known as a rubefacient), thereby increasing circulation and often relieving pain)
- - Nettle is a prime remedy for treating fatigue and blood sugar balancing. Nettle can also help to regulate body metabolism and has been used for the entire endocrine system, from balancing the thyroid, strengthening adrenal function and restoring the reproductive organs. It works on blood sugar levels both directly and also indirectly as, by energizing us and increasing vitality, and reduces cravings.
- - Helps Hair and skin nourisher
Nettles message to us for these time : To be aware/conscious/intentional
:: A few Fun Recipes::
Green Smoothie with Wild Dandelion, Nettle and Pineapple
Calories: 172 | Fat: 1 g | Protein: 5 g | Sodium: 34 mg | Fiber: 2 g
½ cup dandelion greens
½ cup stinging nettle (blenderizing nettles will take the sting out of them)
1 cup pineapple juice or 1 cup fresh cubed pineapple
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup water
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper powder
Smoothie Powder Mixture
5 Tbsp dried powdered nettle
5 Tbsp dried powdered deseeded roasehips
1 tsp cardamon powder
1 tsp cinamon powder
Mix together add to your favorile smoothie recipe and and store in the freezer between uses.
Feel free to let us know you are joining the challenge. At the end of the month let us know if you have experienced and health changes. At the end of 12 months of challenges I will put all monthly participants name in a hat and draw a prize! So the more months you participate in the better your chance of winning. Prize yet to be decided!
This is wonderful encouragement! What a great idea!
I am on the road to better health!
:) sheri
Posted by: Sheri Lee Pierce | January 09, 2011 at 09:23 AM
love this! i was totally going to do this with my blog readers in february! 30 days of nettle suggested by a friend changed my world last fall.
Posted by: latisha | January 09, 2011 at 02:48 PM
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Posted by: vigilon complaints | January 11, 2011 at 08:45 AM
I am on the road to better health!
Posted by: Jiyanna | January 12, 2011 at 09:19 PM
i'm jumping on board a bit late (new to the site), but i am in!! on the road to better health!!
nettles keep coming up for me this month, so it's only natural to pursue them fully. thank you.
Posted by: ivana | January 13, 2011 at 10:49 AM
welcome all! Looking forward to hearing your experiences....
never too late ivana!
many blessings, t
Posted by: tonya lemos | January 14, 2011 at 09:37 AM
Here's Another great link for nettle infusion!
Posted by: tonya lemos | January 14, 2011 at 11:41 AM
I'd love to hear some of your nettle experiences from this month!
Have you seen what Kristen Brown is up to here
Posted by: tonya lemos | February 01, 2011 at 04:51 PM
Hi Tonya and all, I'd like to say I met the challenge perfectly, but I cheated twice when I was too lazy to make my infusion - I used tincture I had on hand instead.
But it sure felt good to be getting back into the practice of making infusions each night :)
One thing I noticed which may be related is that I didn't have munchies at night (my husband and I have gotten in the habit of having a late snack when we sit down to watch television). How cool is that?
Posted by: Sheri Lee Pierce | February 09, 2011 at 02:33 PM
yes Sheri that is one of my fav! "side effects" of drinking nettle (and Oatstraw) regularily. Actually the Bitters (this months challenge help with the munchies also! thanks for playing along!
Posted by: tonya lemos | February 10, 2011 at 10:33 AM
I haven't tried this yet. But will surely do when I get my own nettle.
Posted by: Accounting Recruitment | June 14, 2012 at 11:07 PM