A testimonial
To My Green Sisters and Brothers in Training,
It’s been a hard year so kudos to you for signing up and signing on. I happened to be chatting with Tony and she told me that some apprentices are concerned about moving inside and are therefor considering leaving the program. She did not say this in a blaming way or in any way except responding to my question about what was happening with the trainings. I have to tell you, I am so sad about this. Each one of us has to make the decisions we need to make to take care of ourselves. However, my apprenticeships are such a source of strength and health, I want to tell you that the best is yet to come. In this time of pandemic weirdness, the circle holds. Knowledge, herbal medicine and support flow freely in my year one and year two circles. I finished clearing racks and putting dried herbs and tinctures into inventory today. Some of these were gifts from the circle, grown or made by other hands. Some of my medicines have likewise gone where needed. I am healthier, more prepared and more confident that I have what I need to take care of myself and my community should CV19 or other illness occur. I have even sent medicine upon request to a friend who is an MD on the front line. So, if you are concerned about moving inside, I want to honor that but also to ask you to check in and see if there is something you can ask of others in your circle to make it work. Are there practices or boundaries that can be implemented? Medicines that can be taken and/or protection invoked? Because the world needs us. As many of us as possible. In small ways and big ways you are changing and connected to each other and the plants. That very connection is Health.
So whatever you choose, I wish you peace, and health and deepest contentment. Lisa
Lisa Bassi
Fairy Godmother, Ltd.
Pronouns: she,her
Update: Dec 1st 2020 We have not yet moved indoors but have created a plan that feels good to most. 2021 Apprenticeships are now open for registration.
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