After posting my sunflower 🌻 print to my @365art log and social media accounts I have had many requests on how to purchase (Thank you!)
I am offering up my “Sunflower Print” to anyone who makes a donation to an organization which supports the Solidarity of the people of the Ukraine in the amount of $40 or more. All you have to do is send (email) me a photo of you receipt for your donation made between March 5th and March 16th 2022 and your mailing address and I will send you one!
Its that simple
Why Sunflowers: You may have seen sunflowers popping up all over your social media. Sunflowers have long been the national flower of the Ukraine, BUT in 1996 when Ukraine gave up its last nuclear warhead on a former Ukraine missile base, on June 4th, they were also chosen as a symbol of world peace, and a world free of nuclear weapons.
I love seeing everyones creative take on #sunflowersforukraine and while we all know that painting/ creating/ sewing sunflowers doesn't change a dire situation, but spreading love and intentions of peace, and sending supportive energy is better than doing nothing! Energetics make a difference!
There are many places which you can donate, here is a starting point
In case you do not know where to donate here are two starting ideas I will add more as I come across them
(this is @brandicarlile 's foundation seems like they have done some good fundraising and research on the topic)
#sunflowersforpeace #sunflowersforukraine #nowar #makeartnotwar
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